There are more and more people go to outdoor exploration with camping tent, but what should we bring before camping out is the most important problem. So I sorted out the necessary equipment for camping in the field to show support for wildfield adventure enthusiasts.
This article is only for urban leisure outdoor people. If you are a professional friend or a professional outdoor explorer, this article is only for reference, and the specific equipment depends on personal situation.

- Tent: in the north or where there is little rain, a single layer tent can be prepared to withstand light rain for 2-3 hours. In rainy season, double-layer tent should be selected, which can withstand light rain for 7-8 hours.
- Sleeping bag: it’s necessary for camping in the field. There are down, acrylic cotton and thread. Choose according to the weather.
- Damp proof pad: wear resistant layer is divided into single layer and double layer, with flat surface and egg nest surface, and air cushion can be filled. You can choose according to your requirements.
- Stove: there are gas stove, vaporizer and alcohol stove in the choice of stoves, which are very useful in places where fire is prohibited in the field.
- Bucket pot: a set of pots specially designed for mountaineering and camping. Large, medium and small pots are set together, and small bowls, spoons and small tea cups are also attached.
- Water bag (pot): indispensable equipment for outdoor activities. After all, there is always a distance between the camp and the water.
- Camp lights, flashlights: night travel, night lodging are necessary, you can also choose the headlamp, very convenient.
- Fuel: if you don’t want to use the stove as a decoration, remember to take it with you, as well as lighters and moisture-proof matches.

- Food: canned picnics, bread, instant noodles, biscuits, essential. You can also bring some rice, kebabs, barbecues, snacks and so on.
- Knife: you can’t open a road or cut without it. You can take a machete when you go to a relatively wild place. Usually, you can bring a multi-purpose Swiss Army knife.
- Spade: you can choose a two purpose shovel with an axe, set up a tent, and flatten the land more than a hundred times faster than your bare hands. The axe can cut some dead wood and dead trees.
- First aid medicine: in case of accident, at least you can first aid treatment, do not let the injury increase.
- Accessories: compass, map, glasses, water jacket, mosquito repellent, rubber boat, ice bucket, water filter, telescope, barbecue rack, etc
- Backpack: generally, 50-70 liters is enough for camping in 2-3 days. You must choose a better brand, strong and comfortable. You will know its benefits after a long time of carrying.

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