If you set up a camping tent for sale near the river or on the grass, a lot of bugs will appear to crawl into the tent. This problem has troubled me for a long time, until I learned about the handing tree tent, which can be easily and quickly set up on the tree. Keep away from the ground, avoid dampness and bugs. So I chose the seaside of Xiamen for my first camping life. After all, there are no bugs on the beach this season.

Because I didn’t bring trekking poles, I chose to hang my canopy on the bar of the black damiond hilight tent that was evaluated together this time. The three pull ropes at the bottom were tied with three stones and buried in the sand as much as possible. The sky curtain is close to the sand to reduce the sea breeze blowing from the feet to the head.

I chose a low-end plastic floor covering at the bottom and bought it a long time ago. Although the price is cheap, the plastic has a good moisture-proof effect. The canopy was originally the outer tent of the Goat Tent tent, with three rubber ropes with pull buckles on the top and bottom. Since using the goat series of backpack covers, I like this brand’s products more and more, from camping lights to camping tents, to trekking poles and landing camping backpacks, one-stop shopping, everything, since then I have given up buying other products Brand outdoor products too.

I personally feel that the GOAT tent is very light, and the skylight is large, without too much pressure, and it keeps warm. The biggest mistake is the wrong estimation of the night temperature. So I later went to GOAT TENT self-operated store and bought a new sleeping bag. Comfortable temperature for down sleeping: -16°C—-10°C plus bivy’s thermal insulation effect can at least resist the temperature of minus 22°C.
Although it is a gtx, it still feels breathable. It is estimated that the external relative humidity is too high. There are waterproof zippered safety rope passages on both sides. It is also convenient to reach out and pack. The compressed volume is small.