- Tent:
With it, you will no longer be afraid of wind and rain, let alone live in an unsettled place, as long as you choose a proper camp, you can build a temporary home. The tents of the past were almost all house-shaped. The early design even separated the tent from the ground floor, so snakes and insects could easily climb into the tent. Therefore, if you want to go camping, you have to carry a large bag of lime and sprinkle it on the tent. Snake-proof close to the surrounding area, and camp ditch must be dig The current tents have been greatly improved with the civilization of science and technology. The material has been changed from heavy canvas to light and tough nylon cloth. The floor is made of waterproof PE cloth, which has excellent waterproof effect. On the whole, it has also been improved into an integrated design. In addition to the dense seams between the floor and the tent, a sand net and zipper are added to the door, which makes mosquitoes, insects, and snakes completely impermeable; for this reason, now No need to bring that heavy lime to camping anymore. In addition, the camp pillars have been changed from logs to small metal or fiberglass pillars, and the shape of the tent has also undergone revolutionary changes. In addition to the original house shape, there are also quadrangular masks and hexagonal yurts. The size of the tent is determined by the number of people , One-person account, two-person account, four-person account, six-person account, the largest one is eight-person account, and the bigger one needs to be ordered!

- Sleeping bag:
Of course, some people go camping with quilts, but the lightness and easy storage and storage characteristics of the sleeping bag cannot be ignored. Moreover, the sleeping bag is very convenient to carry and small in size; the sleeping bag is made of rayon, hollow fiber and feathers. There are three main categories, and you can choose the sleeping bag you need based on the degree of cold resistance.

- Sleeping pad:
With tents and sleeping bags, if you want to sleep more comfortably, sleeping pads are indispensable, and sleeping pads can also increase the insulation effect. Moreover, the sleeping pads are soft and can also improve the touch of the body in contact with stones or the ground! Only then will there be good dreams. - Stoves:
In ancient times, maybe you could use firewood for cooking, but now the times are different, overpopulation, overuse of land, deforestation and illegal logging, these factors prevent us from harming the natural wilderness arbitrarily. Moreover, using wood to make a fire on the spot can easily burn the land or grass and make it difficult to recover. If wood is cut arbitrarily for campfires or cooking, the scenery will be completely destroyed when others go next time. When all of this is done, the forest by the campsite must soon disappear, and the ground will be burnt piece by piece, so bringing one or two stoves is the love of this land, the choice of stoves, You can choose a gas stove that is easy to operate, or a vaporization stove. These stoves are very light and can be cooked in the tent when it rains?